Overdue tax payment notification? Check MyGov.

Have you ever looked at your MyGov account? Even if you have, there’s a good chance you don’t login very often.

It makes sense that most people would only access their MyGov account when they need something, whether it’s registering for government parental leave, or arranging childcare reimbursements.

Which is why we’ve seen an increase in emails from clients, who have been shocked to receive a letter from the ATO telling them they have a payment overdue.

That’s because the ATO has started using MyGov to communicate directly with taxpayers. Normally, this would be a good thing. But because nobody really checks their MyGov account, they’re not getting the ATO’s messages.

This is compounded by the fact that we as accountants, are not receiving the communications from the ATO, as they’re going straight to you, so we don’t have visibility on them and therefore can’t notify you of the issue.

Unfortunately, the only way around this for the moment is to keep a closer eye on your MyGov account, while our industry applies pressure on the ATO to at least notify us that they’ve sent you something. Watch this space.

On a final note, the year has passed and we thank you for your ongoing support.  We wish you and your families a safe and restful festive season and look forward to working with you again in the new year.