Happy New Year 2019 No 2.png

Welcome back to a brand new year. We hope it has been a great start so far for you. It is hard to believe that we are in February already!

 CFD has been in operation for almost 4 years now.  During this time, we have seen many changes.  Even CFD have had to get on board the change train! 

 The ATO are being ruthless with their debt recovery processes which is causing stress for business owners.

 Businesses are needing to change the way they operate, primarily to mitigate cashflow issues caused by delays in payments or businesses closing down without warning.

 We know a reliable team is important to any business and when there is a change it brings about concerns from clients.  Please be assured (with Shaneel’s recent departure from CFD) that our team (no matter how big or small) will continue to provide the excellent service you have always received. We now have a new team of Accountants with over 25 years experience!

 We thank you for your support.

 “CFD has a small firm personality with big firm capabilities”